& Research

Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, The Loft. Photo by Anna Min.

Not accepting applications at this time

Grant Basics

Grants in this program promote field-building through convening and/or research that offers access to greater understanding, deeper information and shared learning, either for early career artists in Minnesota or New York City and the organizations who serve them or for grantmakers and foundations engaged in supporting the arts.

This grant opportunity is open to national arts service organizations, national or regional research institutes or initiatives, or regional or national associations of grantmakers. While applicant organizations in this category do not need to be based in New York City or Minnesota, the supported convenings and programs must be delivered in New York City or Minnesota and impact New York City or Minnesota artists, organizations or arts grantmakers among the larger group of attendees. The convening and research opportunities must be broadly accessible and focused outside of a singular organization.

Interested organizations must contact program staff to discuss projects in advance of submitting an application. Given the limited resources in this program, a limited number of organizations will be invited to apply.

Two types of activities are funded through this program:

The Foundation makes single-year grants to national arts or philanthropic service organizations supporting the arts for one-time convenings in either Minnesota or New York City.

These convenings must offer significant opportunities and benefits for and participation by Jerome-eligible early career/non-student Minnesota or New York City artists, collectives or ensembles or philanthropic colleagues.

The Foundation makes one-time grants to local, regional or national organizations or non-profit entities to support research that results in published, accessible studies that benefits arts grantmakers; early career artists, collectives or ensembles in Minnesota or New York City; or organizations that serve those same artists.

Grants in this initiative are small and rarely exceed $10,000. Organizations interested in applying must contact Jerome staff to explore Foundation interest and funding availability before submitting an application.

The Foundation may schedule and conduct an interview before determining whether or not to invite a proposal, especially for applicants who have not received funding previously in this program.

The Laundromat Project

The Laundromat Project

Who should apply?

Potential applicants must be one of the following:

  • national arts service organizations
  • national or regional research institutes or initiatives
  • regional or national associations of grantmakers
Muriel Miguel at a table, speaking to another woman.
Spiderwoman Theater: Muriel Miguel Pulling Threads Fabric Workshop, part of First Nations Dialogues: KIN (2019). Photo by Rachel Papo.

Program Schedule

The Board of Directors typically review requests and award grants in March, June, September and January. To schedule a conversation with program staff to explore the Foundation's interest and funding availability, organizations are required to contact Jerome staff in advance of the application deadlines specified below.

Organizations should follow the schedule below, depending on when they wish the Jerome Board to consider their applications:

For organizations hoping for a decision in June 2021

Initial contact with Foundation no later than March 15, 2021, in advance of final written applications (if invited) due no later than April 15, 2021.

For organizations hoping for a decision in September 2021

Initial contact with Foundation no later than June 15, 2021, in advance of final written applications (if invited) due no later than July 15, 2021.

For organizations hoping for a decision in January 2022

Initial contact with Foundation no later than September 1, 2021, in advance of final written applications (if invited) due no later than October 15, 2021.

For organizations hoping for a decision in March 2022

Initial contact with Foundation no later than December 1, 2021, in advance of final written applications (if invited) due no later than January 15, 2022.

Eligible organizations must meet all of the following criteria:


Have at minimum a three-year demonstrated history of serving grantmakers, foundations, early career artists, and/or arts organizations that serve early career artists in Minnesota and/or New York City


Offer ongoing programs, services and activities for grantmakers, foundations, early career artists, and/or arts organizations that serve early career artists in Minnesota and/or New York City beyond the activity for which support is requested


Show demonstrated achievement in one or more of Jerome Foundation’s core values


Are 501(c)3 organizations or are applying through a fiscal sponsor with a 501(c)3

How to Apply


Contact Program Staff to discuss your eligibility.


Apply online (you will receive the link to the application when you are invited to apply).

What we ask for in the application

  • Organization mission and history of programs for grantmakers, foundations, early career artists, and/or arts organizations that serve early career artists in Minnesota and/or New York City
  • Organization financial statements and audit or 990: the financial statements should include three years of financial information (current and past two years)
  • IRS Tax-Exempt Letter of Determination
  • Board of Directors
  • Authorization Letter
  • Program description
  • Program budget
Ronny Quevedo, courtesy the Queens Museum. Photo by Hai Zhang.

Ronny Quevedo, courtesy the Queens Museum. Photo by Hai Zhang.

Selection Criteria

The staff recommendation and Board of Director decision will be based on four and only four criteria:


The merit of the programs, services, activities, convening, or research.


The quality of planning and feasibility of the programs, services, activities, convening, or research.


The potential impact of the programs, services, activities, convening, or research on the field of arts grantmaking or on Jerome-priority artists and organizations.


The organization’s demonstrated achievement in and ongoing dedication to at least one of Jerome’s core values.

Grant amounts in this initiative are based on a particular project. Staff will offer counsel at the time of application about an appropriate amount to request in light of budget limitations and the anticipated demand in a given year.

Yes, but only in this specific initiative. All other Jerome initiatives are limited to organizations in Minnesota and New York City. In order to be eligible, however, the programs, convenings, services, or research provided must be hosted or conducted in the five boroughs of Minnesota or New York City and significantly benefit artists and organizations in these geographic funding areas.

No. This initiative supports national research and convenings that include participants from other parts of the nation or world. The depth of service or impact on Minnesota and New York City early career artists, organizations that serve them, or grantmakers and foundations that support the arts must be significant, however.

The Foundation will send a grants contract to the grantee within two weeks of the relevant Foundation board meeting. The Foundation will work to disperse funds quickly and appropriately per the project schedule. A specific timeline for requesting and receiving grant funds is part of each grants contract. In most cases, grants in this initiative will be dispersed in a single payment.

The speed of distribution of funds typically depends on how quickly the signed grants contract is received back at the Foundation and whether the grantee already has a direct deposit account set up with the Foundation, in addition to the schedule of the supported project.

Organizations who already have direct deposit arranged with the Foundation can typically receive funds within as little as two weeks of the Foundation’s receipt of the grant contract.

First time grantees or past grantees who have yet to establish a direct deposit agreement with the foundation require additional time (potentially up to three additional weeks) for paperwork to be processed.

This timeline reflects the quickest possible turnaround. Depending on the schedule at the Foundation or in the light of unforeseen complications, this time may take longer.

Grantees are required to submit final reports, established by the Foundation in the letter of agreement.

Please note: this program is not accepting applications at this time.